What I've been reading lately is a definition of "collective ownership" that revolves around the idea of distributing responsibility, primarily in order to lift the focus on finger-pointing and blaming. A defect isn't "your fault", it's "our fault", and "we need to fix it." That's all well and good, but distributing blame isn't exactly distributing ownership; and ignoring the source of an issue is a blatant mistake.
The latter point first: identifying the source of an issue is important. I see no need for blame, or calling people out, and certainly no point in trying to use defects as a hard metric in performance analysis. However, a development team isn't a factory; it's a group of individuals who are constantly continuing their education, and honing their craft, and in that endeavor they need the help of their peers and managers to identify their weaknesses so they know what to focus on. "Finding the source of an issue" isn't about placing blame or reprimanding someone, it's about providing a learning opportunity so that a team member can improve, and the team as a whole can improve through the continuing education of each member.
In regard to distributing ownership, it's all too rare to see discussion of distributing ownership in a positive way. I see plenty of people writing about eliminating blame, but very few speaking of a team wherein every member looks at the entire code base and says "I wrote that." And why should they? They didn't write it alone, so they can't make that claim. For the product, they can say "I had a hand in that," surely. But it's unlikely they feel like they had a hand in the development of every component.
That brings us around to the idea that "everyone is an architect." In the Agile sense, this is generally taken to mean that every developer is given relatively free rein to architect the component they're working on at any given moment, without bowing down to The Architect for their product. I like this idea, in a sense - I'm all for every developer doing their own prototyping, their own architecture, learning their own lessons, and writing their own code. Up to a point.
There is a level of architecture that it is necessary for the entire team to agree on. This is where many teams, even Agile teams, tend to fall back on The Architect to keep track of The Big Picture and ensure that All The Pieces Fit Together. This is clearly the opposite of "everyone is an architect". So where's the middle ground?
If a project requires some level of architecture that everyone has to agree on - language, platform, database, ORM, package structure, whatever applies to a given situation - then the only way to have everyone be an architect is design by committee. Panning design by committee has become a cliche at this point, but it has its uses, and I feel this is one of them.
In order to achieve collective ownership, you must have everyone be an architect. In order for everyone to be an architect, and feel like they gave their input into The Product as a whole - or at least had the opportunity to do so - you must make architectural decisions into group discussions. People won't always agree, and that's where the project manager comes in; as a not-an-architect, they should have no bias and no vested interest in what choices are made, only that some decision is made on each issue that requires consideration. Their only job in architectural discussions is to help the group reach a consensus or, barring that, a firm decision.
This is where things too often break down. A senior developer or two, or maybe a project manager with development experience, become de facto architects. They make the calls and pass down their decrees, and quickly everyone learns that if they have an architecture question, they shouldn't try to make their own decision, they shouldn't pose it to the group in a meeting, they should ask The Guy, the architect-pro-tem. Stand-up meetings turn into a doldrum of pointless status updates, and discussion of architecture is left out entirely.
Luckily, every team member can change this. Rather than asking The Guy when a key decision comes up, ask The Group. Even better, throw together a prototype, get some research together, and bring some options with pros and cons to the next stand-up meeting. Every developer can do their part to keep the team involved in architecture, and in ownership, and to slowly shift the culture from having The Architect to having Everyone Is An Architect.
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